Webinar Details:
The Five Step Process To Launching
Your First Funnel This Month!
Thursday December 20th, 2018 8pm EST.

William Fletcher
“Head Hero”
Hey there, William Fletcher here and I’m really excited your joining on me on this live workshop! You won’t be disappointed. This isn't a pitch fest webinar…
Here’s My Big Bold Guarantee…
I can guarantee you’re gonna get more out of this one to an hour and a half webinar than you've probably got out of most paid products you've bought all year.
Now, make sure to check your email as I’ve just sent you an email that has a few questions and things I want you to have prepared for the live workshop.
If you haven't received that email yet make sure you confirm your subscription. You should have an email from me that says "Response Required: Please confirm your request for information".
See you on the call!
Wishing you all the best,
William Fletcher